Weather Message

Release Notes V2.1

Version 2.1 released  5-22-2003  


1.      The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.

2.      Changed the tcp/ip component.  The new component is more reliable.

3.      Added an option to record the names of the received files to IBLog.txt.

4.      Updated the connection routines to reset the timeout timer.

5.      Added additional tcp/ip error checks when attempting to connect.

6.      Optimized encryption routines.


1.      The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.

2.      Added an option to record the names of the received files to IBLog.txt

     WxMesg Server

1.      Added code to decode the VTEC P type line.

2.      Optimized the UGC decoding routine.

3.      Optimized the UTC to local conversion routines.

4.      Optimized WAR matching code.

5.      Optimized other string matching code.

6.      Optimized the product matching code.

7.      The system now supports the “*” character, along with the “?” character, for wildcards.

8.      Added support for the new $BulletAT$ short message variable.

9.      The server will only show the UGC line and VTEC information, during decoding, if the “Show Message Decode” option is enabled.

10.  Added CAE (Child Abduction Emergency) to the Products.dat file. Note: New Install Only.

11. The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.

12. The program will now reload many of the settings when items are changed on with Weather Message Server Setup.  The items that are not reloaded are the tcp/ip port number, ingest path, data path, graphic path, operation mode and ingest engine.  Changing any of these items requires weather message server to be stopped and restarted.

            13.Changed the tcp/ip component.  The new component is more reliable.

14.      Added the ability to specify all upper case for email and pager messages.  This option requires a registry key change.  Send an email to support for a file to automatically update the registry key.  The key is Hkey_Local_Computer\Software\Weather Message\WxMesg\Settings\TextUpperCase.  The value should be set to a 1 for uppercase only.

15.  Increased the size of the tcp/ip output buffer to 64K.

16.  WxWords can now be specified in mixed case.  It is no longer case sensitive.  Note:  If WxWords are specified in lower case, they will be replaced in lowercase.

17.  Updated Product.dat with the KWNP space product AWIP’s identifiers.

18.  Messages that are sent via e-mail with the Parse option will now have all carriage returns and line feeds removed.  This will save space in the message.  Message sent via paging already remove these control characters.


1.      Increased the number of client id’s from 50 to 100.

2.      If a password is entered in the Options screen, the setup program will now require this password before giving access to this program.

3.      Added a new short message variable.  You can now use $BulletAT$ in the short message format.  This variable will pull all of the text associated a line that starts with “* AT”.  This can be used to get the information from SVR and TOR message, regarding the location of the SVR or TOR.  Note:  This can make the short message longer than what will fit on a pager.  The parse option may be needed to shorten the weather service text.

4.     The Options window now has an option “Show Message Decode”.  Enabling this option will allow you to see the UGC line decoding in the Weather Message Server Window.   In previous versions of Weather Message Server, the Server window automatically showed the decoding of the UGC groups.   This is helpful for debugging and is not needed during normal operation.  Disabling this option also reduces CPU loading.

5.      The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.  The location has been changed for most programs, so that it will not matter which user logs into the computer.  

6.      Increased the number of alarms from 400 to 500.

7.      Increased the number of e-mail groups from 150 to 500.

8.      Increased the number of paging groups from 150 to 500.

9.      The password fields will now be masked with an asterisk character.

10.  The program now validates the tcp/ip port number.


1.      Added a new product list screen.  You can click on the product to retrieve that specific product.

2.      Increased the number of client id’s from 50 to 100.

3.      The product screen can now be resized.

4.      Clicking on a graphics product, in the product screen, will only start WxImage one time.  Previously, it started a new copy of the program.

5.      The Request Product screen now has an email option.  This option uses the user’s default email program. (Need to add to other screens, but verify it works in the field first.)

6.      The Alarm Text Viewing screen now has an email option.

7.      The system tray menu now has an option to open the Product List window.

8.  You can now specific the background and foreground colors for alarms.

9.      Added default coloring to Warning/Watch type products.  User defined alarm colors will override these colors.  User defined alarm colors will also cause the product to show in bold type.

10.  Added a pop-up option to the alarm type screen.  This allows users to turn off the pop-up for a specific alarm type.

11. The Settings registry key for this program has been moved to WxMcli.ini.  This allows for easy duplication of client settings between computers.

12. The product list has been expanded from 50 products to 75 products.

13. The WCN product is colored like a SLS product.

14. The exit and setup password can be changed by editing the WxMcli.ini file and adding Password=XXX, where XXX is the new password, to the end of the file.

15.  The Product List will now remember if it was visible when the program was stopped.  If it was visible, it will be visible the next time the program is started.

16.  Changed the tcp/ip component.  The new component is more reliable.

17.  Added the Product Color setup tab.  This setup screen will allow you to setup the default colors for the product list.

18. The setup screen now has an option to place the product list on top of all other windows.

19. When clicking on a file from the product list, the program will now return the product that was clicked.  It previously was returning the last product issued.

20.  The program now validates the tcp/ip port number.

21.  The program will print two blank lines after each message, when printing to a printer.


1.      The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.


1.      Increased the number of client id’s from 50 to 100.

2.      The Alarm Text Viewing screen now has an email option.

3.      The Settings registry key for this program has been moved to WxMcli.ini.  This allows for easy duplication of client settings between computers.

4.      Added a Popup Style selection to the setup screen.  This option can be set to Popup the program on All messages, All messages and be on top, based on the Alarm settings, and Never.

5.      The Alarms setup screen will now allow you to specify a Popup and On Top option for each alarm.  You must have the Popup Style set to Alarms for this option to be enabled.

6.      The exit and setup password can be changed by editing the WxMap.ini file and adding Password=XXX, where XXX is the new password, to the end of the file.

7.      Changed the tcp/ip component.  The new component is more reliable.

8.      The Save Map on Change option will now save the map when it changes.  When the map changes by a new alarm or the expiration of an alarm, the program will save the image after a 15 second delay.  The Map Save Interval will continue to save the map at the specified interval, until there are no active alarms.

9.      Added the Other Colors setup tab.  This setup screen will allow you to setup the map colors for products not on the map legend.  Enter the first 3 digits of the AWIPS identifier.

10. You can now select the order of the warning and watch products.  The setup screen will now allow you to select the order of the warning and watch products.

11.  The program now validates the tcp/ip port number.


            1.  Changed the tcp/ip component.  The new component is more reliable.

2.      The debug file name has changed from Debug.txt to DebugPg.txt

3.      The program now sends SNPP pages one at a time, rather than using multiple recipients.  Many carriers do not support multiple recipients at this time.


1.      The registry keys for this program are now located in Hkey_Local_Machine\Weather Message.

2.      Added a password exit screen.  If a password is specified in Weather Message Server Setup Options, the password screen will be displayed and the correct password will be required before stopping the program.

3.      Changed the ftp component.  The new component is more reliable and does not cause the program to hang.

4.      Corrected a problem with trying to shutdown the program while it was receiving an image.


1.      Changed the ftp component.  The new component is more reliable and does not cause the program to hang.

            2.  The debug file now contains the starting and stopping time.


1.      Replaced Blat.exe with a new control.  The Logfile will now contain an error message if the email could not be sent.

2.      In the debug mode, WxPost will create a file called DebugEm.txt.  This file logs the communication between the program and the email server.

3.      The debug file now contains the starting and stopping time.

4.      The program now creates an EmailLog.txt file.  This file records the emails sent, along with the message.  Email errors are also recorded in this file.

5.      Now records the group name in the EmailLog.txt


1.      New dll with helper routines for registry and ini file access.



This page was last updated on March 14, 2009 .

Copyright 2002, Weather Message