Weather Message

Release Notes V2.2

Version 2.1 released  8-3-2003  


1.      An error in the log write routine will no longer cause the program to hang.

2.  Moved the Setup menu option under File.


1.      An error in the log write routine will no longer cause the program to hang.

2.      Moved the Setup menu option under the File menu.

3.      Added a Reset Stats option under the File menu.  This option will reset the reception statistics and make a log entry.

     WxMesg Server

1.      The program will now attempt to alarm based on the following:  First by AWIPs identifier, if the AWIPs identifier is not valid, it will attempt to match the WMO header.  If there is no match, it will attempt to match by file name.

2.      The AWIPS identifier for graphic products is GRAPHI.  If you want to alarm all graphic products, enter GRAPHI for the product identifier.

3.      When the program receives a message client request, it no longer runs the message through the alarm mechanism.  This was not needed.  This also corrects a problem with requesting a product that was alarmed by file name. 

4.      Changed the string handling for file names.  This gives a slight performance increase.

5.      The program will now process the hourly METAR file.  To alarm a metar product, create an alarm with the product identifier in the format “MTR” plus the last three characters of the METAR station.  For example, to alarm KALX, create an alarm with the product identifier “MTRALX”.

6.      Added the code to support a file list request.

7.      Added support for the local: archive path.

8.      Changed the program icon.

9.      The program will now include Email and Pager tags for the message type “selected no head” and “full no head”.

10. The program will now default to ingest direct with WxByte as the ingest engine.

11. An error in the log write routine will no longer cause the program to hang. 

12. The map refresh routine will now process the windows message loop every 50 files in order to make the program appear like it is not responding.  If the wxtext directory contained a large number of files, the program might appear to not be responding.

13. The program now validates the length of the AWIPS line.  If the length of the second line is over 6 characters, the program uses the WMO identifier.

14. The program will not allow the expiration date / time to exceed 72 hours from the issued date / time.  This value can be changed by creating the registry key Hkey_Local_Computer\Software\Weather Message\WxMesg\Settings\ExpireLimit.  The value should be set to a whole number of hours.

15. Corrected a problem identified with decoding UGC lines that spanned more than two lines.

16. Changed the UGC decode routines to consider a line without an ending “-“ to still be valid.  Although this should not be necessary, it appears several messages are not formatted properly.  A recent change in WxMesg revealed these problem messages.

17. Changed the log write routines to check and retry on an error 75.

18. Removed the expiration date/time reset message from the log file.

19. Added the ability to ftp ingest images files.

20. Changed the message decode routine to verify that all messages have at least two lines.


            1.  You can now specify a different short message format per group.

2.      Added a “Use Ftp Passive Mode” to the Options screen.  This will instruct WxFtp to use a passive connection to the ftp server.

3.      The email setup screen will now allow you to specify the STMP Server tcp/ip port.

4.      The email setup screen will now allow you to enter a from name that contains spaces.

5.      The Alarm, Email, and Paging grids now support copy and paste.  You can also right click and select add.  This automatically adds an alarm to the bottom of the list.

6.      The program will now allow you to set the time restrict option to “Hold”.  This will hold the message until the “Time Begin” time.  When time begin is reached the page or email will be sent.

7.      Added new short message variables.  You can now use $Today$, $Tonight$, $DayOne$, and $Spotter$ in the short message format.  The $Today$ and $Tonight$ codes are for the ZFP formatted message.  $Today$ will pull all of the text associated with a line that starts with “.TODAY” or “.THIS”.  $Tonight$ will pull all of the text associated with a line that starts with “.TONIGHT”.  The $DayOne$ and $Spotter$ codes are for the HWO formatted message.  $DayOne$ will pull the first paragraph after the “.DAY ONE” header.  $Spotter$ will pull the first paragraph after the “.SPOTTER” header.

8.      Corrected an error 9 when attempting to sort the alarm list with blank lines in the list.

9.      You can now click on the grid columns headers to sort the list by that column.  This works for the alarms, email and paging grids.

10. Added an “Email/Page use Upper Case” selection to the Options screen.  This will force the system to send all email and pages in upper case.

11. The archive path now supports a local option.  This option will process a message using a html template and store it in a local path.  The format is local:template#path/filename.

12. The program now validates the format of the ftp: and local: paths.

13. The program will now default to ingest direct with WxByte as the ingest engine.

14. Added a new Template button on the alarm item screen.  This button will allow the user to easily setup html templates for local or ftp copying.

15. The new Template button will look for templates in the ..\WxMesg\WxData\Template directory.

16. Moved the log file size field to the Support Setup, Option screen.

17. Added a Daily Log File option to the Support Setup, Option screen.  This option will copy the LogFile.txt and IbLog.txt each day, after midnight, to the ..\WxMesg\WxLogs directory.  The day will be appended to the base log file name.  For example the LogFile.txt for the first day of the month will be named LogFile01.txt.  It will overwrite the previous months log file.  These log files can be viewed using notepad or a word processor.  Note:  Only use this option if you will be running the program 24 hours per day.  Otherwise the log files will grow without limit.

18. Added Hawaii state code as a selection on the alarm screen.

19. The program now catches error 383, when attempting to change an alarm.  This error condition is usually caused by an email or paging group that no longer exists.  The program will now catch the error and display a message indicating the problem.  You will then be allowed to edit the alarm.


1.      You can now specify the wave file that plays upon program startup.  If you do not want a wave file played, enter “None” in the field.

2.      The program will remember if the alarm list was shown when the program was stopped.  When it is restarted, it will show the alarm list.

3.      Added error checking when sending email.  If a MAPI error is generated, the program now reports the error and continues to operate.

4.      The startup wave file option now has an associated browse button to select the file.  The save routine will also update the memory variable to the new selection.

5.      The Request menu option now has two sub options.  Request Product and Request List.  The Request List option allows you to request a list of products that have been stored by WxMesg Server.  This option can be used to see a list of products that have already been scrolled out of the product list.

6.      The system tray menu now has options to launch the Request Product and Request List windows.

7.      Clicking on the File List heading column will sort that column in ascending order.  Clicking that column again will sort it in descending order.

8.      The browse dialog box no longer shows the read only box.

9.      The program now saves the window size in the ini file, instead of the registry. 

10. Changed the program to correct an error 91 that occurred on XP computers.


1.      When an image is selected from the product list.  The animate option will now appear if there is more than one product, for the selected image, on file.

2.      Changed the default animate interval from 750 to 250 milliseconds.

3.      The auto animate option will now change when the setup screen is updated.

4.      The Composite Image labeled Atlantic should have been labeled Western Pacific.

5.      Corrected a problem that caused a subscript error when attempting to run the slide show.


1.      Added error checking when sending email.  If a MAPI error is generated, the program now reports the error and continues to operate.

2.      The browse dialog box no longer shows the read only box.

3.      The program now saves the window size in the ini file, instead of the registry.

4.      Corrected an error 5 that occurred when WxMap was loaded on some XP and W2K computers.  

5.      Changed the program to correct an error 91 that occurred on XP computers.


1.      The SNPP program will now disconnect between each page.  There appears to be a problem with some carriers receiving more than one page at a time.


1.      The program now has a option to use the shared ingest directories established in the ingest programs, or setup independent directories.  Uncheck the “Used Defined Ingest Paths” option to use independent directories.

            2.  The Setup screen now has an option to use FTP Passive mode.


1.      The program will now close the connection to the host if an error occurs during the transmission.   Failure to close the connection resulted in an error 20102.

2.      The program will now record a “Stopping” message if an error occurs during the ftp process.

3.      Updated the ftp component to the latest version.  One user identified a problem with the way the ftp component handled passive mode errors.

4.      Will now properly decode drive designators in the ftp command.  These were being discarded.

5.      The archive path format allows for the html template file to be located in any directory.  The program will now support that capability.  If the path is not specified, the program will look for the template in the WxMesg directory.

6.      This program will now create the debugft.txt without the debug screen being visible.

7.      Changed the program to use a different method to create and destroy the ftp object.  This should correct the problem a couple of users have reported with WxFtp hanging when errors occur.


1.      The email subsystem will create a date header when sending emails.  In some installations, the wrong date/time was showing in the sent date field.

2.      The program now puts quote marks around the from email name.

3.      Changed the email sent date to include the UTC offset time.

4.      Program will now record when it starts and stops in the emaillog.txt

5.      Changed the routine that loads the program settings to insure that it only loads the settings once per thread.

6.      This program will now create the debugem.txt without the debug screen being visible.


1.      Corrected a problem that might cause multiple error # 5’s to be recorded in the logfile immediately after the server and client were started.


            1.  Changed the program icon.

2.      Added the ability to open a different file name.  These user created messages are now in the directory ..\wxmesg\wxdata\wxlocal.

3.      Added a tool bar with new, open, save and send buttons.


            1.  Added a browse button to the item setup screen.


1.      Added new program to process messages and output them to a serial port in weather wire format.


1.      Corrected a problem with the registry write routine.  In some cases, changing a setup field to nothing (empty value) would not update the registry.



This page was last updated on March 14, 2009 .

Copyright 2002, Weather Message