Weather Message

Release Notes V2.3

Version 2.3 released  10-26-2003  


1.      If the file logging option is selected, the program will log those entries to IBFiles.txt.  A new menu option is available to view this file.

2.      The IBFiles.txt now contains the EMWIN File Date/Time.

            3.      Program now runs from the system tray, unless the background option is enabled.


1.      The Setup screen’s backup box now contains a Notify Switch option.  If this option is checked, the program will generated a message when it switches from serial ingest to Internet ingest.  The message will be titled “ADMWXMXX.TXT” with the AWIPS/Product identifier of “ADMWXM”.  If you want to be alerted when the system switches, check this option and setup and alarm in Weather Message for the product ADMWXM.

2.      If the file logging option is selected, the program will log those entries to IBFiles.txt.  A new menu option is available to view this file.

3.      The IBFiles.txt now contains the EMWIN File Date/Time.

4.      Added the computer name to the message generated when the program switches from serial ingest to Internet ingest.

5.      The setup option “Notify Switch” has been removed.  It was determined that this option was not needed.  The program will create a message automatically when it switches from serial port ingest to Internet ingest.  Establishing an alarm will determine whether this option is used.

3.      The ingest window will no longer popup when it switches between ports and Internet backup.  It was determined by user testing that this was not needed with the introduction of automatic switch notification.

4.      Program now runs from the system tray, unless the background option is enabled.

       Weather Message Server

1.      Added support for the new Match Text alarm option.

2.      Updated the tcp/ip components to the latest build.

3.      The decode box now just prints the file name, instead of the full path.

4.      Program now runs from the system tray.


1.      The pager setup screen now has an option for WCTP (Wireless Communication Transport Protocol).  Several paging carriers use this protocol.  

2.      Added a Match Text alarm option.  Entering text in this field will cause Weather Message server to test the message for the text entered.  If the text is found and the other alarm criteria are matched, the message will be alarmed.  If the text is not found the message will not be alarmed.

3.      Started the process of adding VTEC alarming capability to the program.  New fields appear in the alarm grid.  They are not active at the present time.

            4.  Added Weather Wire as an ingest engine option.

5.      Added a VTEC (Valid Time Event Code) setup option on the alarm item screen.  This option is not active at this time.

6.      The alarm entry screen will now show the description of the product entered.

7.      The alarm entry screen now has menu options to display a list of product codes and weather forecast offices.

            8.  Increased the number of alarms to 600.

9.      The alarm entry screen will now show the wfo name associated with the product entered.

10. The Product and WFO Lists will now allow you to click on a product or WFO to select it for the alarm.

11. The Delete key can be used to remove alarms, email and paging groups.  To use the delete key, select the row to be deleted and press Delete.

12. Added a new short message variable, “$Amended$.  This variable will contain the word, “Amended”, “Corrected”, “Delayed”, or nothing based on the WMO header.  If a message is amended, corrected, or delayed an indicator is set in the received message’s WMO line.  This information can be used to indicate one of the above conditions.


1.      Selecting File and Connect would cause the program to disconnect and reconnect to the server every 60 seconds.  The program will now stop the reconnect timer when File and Connect are selected.

2.      Corrected an error 5, Invalid Procedure, when right clicking on the Message Client main text window.

3.      Removed the cut, copy, paste right click menu from the main message client text window.  It could not be used since a left click brings up the text viewer.

4.      Updated the screen resizing code.


1.      Added the graphic ATPATHUS to the Hurricane list of images in the full install.  Current users will need to add this file through the setup screen.

2.      Updated the screen resizing code.


1.      Selecting File and Connect would cause the program to disconnect and reconnect to the server every 60 seconds.  The program will now stop the reconnect timer when File and Connect are selected.

2.      The map legend tool tips will now reflect user changes in the legend order.

3.      Added the ability to load additional map layers.  The program now supports two additional map layers.  Weather Message will be providing one for the state outline and interstate roads.  This will be a separate download on the website.

4.      Updated the screen resizing code.


1.      Added support for WCTP (Wireless Communication Transport Protocol).  This protocol uses http to communicate with the paging carrier.


1.      Added more interval options.


1.      Changed the headers send to the smtp server.  Some servers were thinking the email was spam.


1.       Corrected a problem in the Save As routine.  The file as not being saved.


1.      The date line in the header now contains the time zone abbreviation.


1.      Added new Weather Wire 2000 ingest engine.  This program can ingest the weather wire data stream from a serial port or Internet connection.  To learn more about the weather wire data feed, go to .  This is an optional program and requires registration.  See the Weather Message purchase page for pricing.


1.      Added support for weather wire WMO formatted messages.

            2.  Added an option to remove the extra return character in the messages.



This page was last updated on March 14, 2009 .

Copyright 2003, Weather Message