Weather Message

Release Notes V2.5

Version 2.5 released  5-22-2004  


1.      Added a new log file format that records the received files for an indefinite time period.  To enable this log format, create a directory named “NwsLogs” in the ..\wxmesg directory.

2.      Changed the code used to copy received files to the ingest directory.



1.      Added a new log file format that records the received files for an indefinite time period.  To enable this log format, create a directory named “NwsLogs” in the ..\wxmesg directory.

2.      Changed the code used to copy received files to the ingest directory.

      Weather Message Server  

1.      Redesigned the error handling routines.  This reduced the program size 21K.

2.      Corrected a problem in the UGC expiration date validation routine that resulted in an error 13 when some invalid dates were encountered.

3.      Added retry code to the message decode routine.  One user reported an error 70, permission denied, in this routine.

4.      Corrected a type mismatch error in the alarm archive routine.

5.      Corrected a type mismatch error in the message decode routine.  This error was caused by a badly formatted message.

6.      The “*” wild card character in the 4th position of the product identifier will now work correctly.

7.  Updated the VTEC decoding logic for the new VTEC specifications.

8.      Moved the tag Header and Trailer routines to WxPost.  In order to handle html properly, adding the header and trailer text must take place in the email send routine.

9.      Moved the uppercase routine to WxPost.  In order to properly handle html emails, the uppercase routine must be in the email send routine.

10.  EMWIN Graphic files can now be emailed.

11. The Email setup screen now has an option to turn on/off the priority email flag.  Due to new anti-spam rules, users may need to turn off the priority flag.

12. The program will now recognize WOU messages as either Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado “Watch Outline Update” messages.


1.      Added support for PageGate external paging software.  The pager setup screen will now allow you to select PageGate protocol.  The software will create messages named “Page?.asc” in the ..\wxmesg\wxdata\PageGate directory.

 2.      The WAR product identifier has been relabeled to WRN.  This change was required due to the NWS using WAR for a space weather product.

3.      Added a Special Prefix setup screen under the support menu.  This screen will allow you to enter additional items to the WRN prefix.  It also has a second prefix WRO.  WRO is not activated at this time.  It will be activated with the next beta.

4.      The alarm setup screen will now identify the “*” character, in the 4th position of the product identifier, as all products, all states.

5.      Added options to the File menu to export and import the Weather Message registry entries.  This will allow users to export their settings for backup.  (This exports all Weather Message and Retransmission registry entries.)  The user would need to backup the *.txt and *.dat files to have a complete backup.

6.      Added the ability to print the alarms, email, fax and paging groups.

7.      Added the ability to prefix an email, fax or pager message with user-defined text.  The software currently has this capability for a message “tag”.  The tag buttons have been relabeled Create Header/Trailer.  When this button is clicked, a text box is displayed with a default template.  The header text is separated from the trailer text by the “~” character.  If you already have “tags” defined, you can add header text by inserting a “~” before the trailer text.  Note:  The “~” must be on a line by itself.  If you create a header/trailer and want to delete it entirely, remove all of the text from the header/trailer, including the “~” and select save.

8.      The archive path ftp command now has the capability to add the message expiration date/time to the ftp file name.  To use this capability add the “%” character before the file name extension.  For example, filename%.txt .  The “%” character will be replaced with the message expiration date/time.

9.      This program now notifies the server to reload the settings by using TCP/IP.  The setup program tries to connect to the server on the local computer.  Although this should not be needed, the TCP/IP address it uses to connect to the server can be changed by adding the registry key Hkey_Local_Computer\Software\Weather Message\WxMesg\Settings\TCPAddress.

10. The email, fax and paging header/trailer edit screen no longer uses notepad.  A screen was developed to handle this function.

11. The program now accepts the full Metar station identifier.  In the past, it only accepted the last 3 characters of the station identifier.  This caused a problem where the last three characters duplicated with another station with a different prefix.  You now enter MTR followed by the 4-character station identifier.  For example MTRKALX.  The program will continue to process this as MTRALX, however, it will only select KALX from the hourly file.

12. Changed the format of the email, fax, and paging group files for more efficient memory usage.


1.      Holding down control while selecting a product from the Product List will cause the system to display the Request Product box with all products that match the one selected.

2.      Added “Quick List” to the menu.  This list can be setup by a user to have quick access to products.  It will also help inexperienced users.  The list can be setup from the “Setup” menu option.  Select the Quick List tab on the setup screen.  It current supports 10 categories with any number of items per category.

3.      The system tray icon will change when the program is not connected to the server.  This can alert the user that something is wrong.

4.      The Request Product List’s sort routines will now display a message if the list is too large to sort.  It was aborting the program when a user requested it to sort a very large list.


            1.  Added delete buttons on the image setup screen.

2.      The program now remembers the last animation speed used.


1.      Added the ability to right click on the map and label a county.  The county will be labeled with the default color and font.  You can change these by using the Edit Landmark menu option.

2.      Added the ability to ftp the map to a second website.  Send email to for setup information.

3.      The system tray icon will change when the program is not connected to the server.  This can alert the user that something is wrong.


1.      Added support for PageGate external paging software.

2.      The log file routine will now check for file locks and retry before reporting an error.


1.      Now supports the same file / template format as WxScheduler.  This will mean that existing messages will have to be edited to support the new format.  Basically the date/time in the WMO Header will need to read $WxUTC$, the expiration date in the UGC line must read $WxExpire$, and the date line number the message header should read $WxDate$.  See the documentation on WxScheduler for the message format.


             1.      Updated the radar site names. 

 2.      The log file routine will now check for file locks and retry before reporting an error.


1.      The log file routine will now check for file locks and retry before reporting an error.

2.      Changed the debug and log write routines to use a form for the error messages, instead of a message box.


1.      The log file routine will now check for file locks and retry before reporting an error.

2.      Changed the debug and log write routines to use a form for the error messages, instead of a message box.


1.      The ftp program will now replace special html characters in messages that use html templates.  The template must contain “<html>” for the special characters to be removed from the message.

2.      The log file routine will now check for file locks and retry before reporting an error.


1.      Now supports up to 100 scheduling entries.

2.      Added the ability ftp or http files for processing.

3.      Added the ability to specify the ingest file name.

4.      The scheduled time can be a specific time or a time interval.


1.      Changed the Tcp/Ip connect routine to automatically try to reconnect if it is unable to resolve the host name.

2.      If a time out error occurs during the initial Tcp/Ip connection, the program will reattempt the connection 15 seconds later.

3.      Changed the packet start characters to accommodate differences between receivers.

4.      Added a com port activity timer to check for activity every 10 minutes.  If there is no activity, the com port is reset.


This page was last updated on March 14, 2009 .

Copyright 2003, Weather Message